Adaptive Professional Learning Model
The professional development described in the next section can be provided at the level of intensity that is determined most appropriate for the SEA or LEA. KU-CRL in conjunction with iDEC researchers will design a professional learning program responsive to the most pressing issues as determined through a needs assessment that includes obtaining stakeholder input and a review of the SEA or LEA’s policies, processes, data, and other relevant materials.
KU-CRL’s Adaptive Professional Learning Model (APLM) incorporates research-based practices for (a) professional development, (b) instructional coaching, and (c) infrastructure support. It is guided by partnership principles and adult learning theory. The table below provides a visual representation of the critical components of the partnership principles and represents a way of interacting when solving problems of practice. The partnership principles are: (1) equality, (2) choice, (3) dialogue, (4) praxis, (5) voice, (6) reflection, and (7) reciprocity.
Guided by and Grounded in Partnership Principles:
(1) equality, (2) choice, (3) dialogue, (4) praxis, (5) voice, (6) reflection, (7) reciprocity
Professional Learning Features | Professional Learning Components |
Capacity Built and Sustained Through Infrastructure Support
- Team of teachers with active principal participation in professional learning
- System review and revision to create a supportive professional learning environment
- Plans for communication, implementation, professional learning and collaboration, and monitoring progress