5 Components of Equitable Enrollment Practices
The 5 Components of Equitable Enrollment (5CEE) is a thoughtful approach to enrolling students with individual education programs in online learning environments. iDEC researchers have identified and assembled enrollment components that are in alignment with the IDEA’s zero reject principle and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
The zero reject principle helps to ensure that all students, from ages 3 through 21, have a right to a free appropriate public education (FAPE) no matter how severe the disability. Once a child qualifies for services under IDEA, no reason whatsoever exists to deny the student instruction and related services if deemed necessary. This principle includes the online environment. Ensuring students have equal access while ensuring a FAPE can be confusing and difficult for IEP teams. The 5CEE works to untangle those difficulties through standardized procedures and alignment with sound policies.
Contact iDEC to Learn More about the 5 Component of Equitable Enrollment Practices.